Making It Work: Advertising Ideas Man

I am unsure of what type of career I want in Media, but I want to explore careers in advertising. I feel that based on my experience in coming up with creative phrases to sell political candidates and causes, that I might be a good fit for a career in advertising that involves coming up with ideas for advertisements. I know very little about what this work entails, but my friend who works in advertising suggested that I look into becoming a copywriter.

I would like to interview someone who works in advertising in a job where they create and develop ideas to sell products. My friend who works in advertising is working on arranging an interview between me and her friend who is a copywriter for pharmaceutical campaigns.


Design I Like: De La Soul


A design I like is the album cover for De La Soul – 3 Feet High and Rising. This album cover works because it has bright colors making you feel warm towards the music of De La Soul. De La Soul is a rap group that specializes in positive songs and the album cover gives you the impressions that De La Soul’s music makes you feel good.

One quality that I like in this design is that the font in between each member of De La Soul has a different color. The variability in font color between purple and green works well with the yellow background and drawings of flowers that are scattered in the design. This album came out in 1989 a year after NWA came out with Straight Out of Compton. Straight Out of Compton to date is one of the most violent rap albums that I have ever heard. While the cover for Straight Out of Compton was filled with depressing colors and featured songs such as “Gangsta Gangsta”, 3 Feet High and Rising contained songs such as “Buddy” and it had bright colors in its design.

The design is trying to say that De La Soul knows how to have fun and It succeeds in that goal. All three members in the design have a smile on their face which makes you want to open up the album and turn up the volume on your jukebox.  

Photo Essay: School is Boring

        There are many problems in higher education one of which is that students are not engaged during lectures. As my photo essay documents, many students are disengaged during class and that is because the professors are doing too much of the talking and that they are not letting students lead the class.



Photo Essay: Casey Anthony Trial


The Photo essay that I have included for my photo essay summary is from the Casey Anthony trial that took place in 2011. Casey Anthony was a mother from the Orlando metropolitan area that was on trial for killing her baby daughter Caylee Anthony and obstructing law enforcement during the search for Caylee Anthony’s remains. The trial was noteworthy because of the media attention that it received and the verdict which found Casey Anthony not guilty of killing her baby daughter, but guilty of obstructing law enforcement.

The photo was taken by the Orlando Sentinel at the beginning of the trial to show Casey Anthony and her lawyer Jose Biaz. I found the photo by doing a Google search of Casey Anthony photo essay’s because I for some strange reason was fascinated by the Casey Anthony trial. I thought that Casey Anthony was most likely guilty of the charges against her and I was surprised when the jury ruled her not guilty. The photographer for the Orlando Sentinel was most likely attempting to portray a scared Casey Anthony and her attorney who was calm, because no matter how the trial turned out Jose Biaz would be a free man at the end of it. It is my belief that the photographer took this photo because he wanted to portray Casey Anthony as feeling guilty for what she allegedly probably did.

In terms of the composition of the photo, the photographer shot this photo on a medium shot. The result of the medium shot was that it captured defendant Casey Anthony and defense lawyer Jose Biaz in the same shot. The photo also shows a contrast between Casey Anthony and Jose Biaz. Casey Anthony looks very frightened over the potential that she could be sentenced to death while Jose Biaz appears to be calm over the thought that he had a good argument for her and even if his argument didn’t work, he still would get free publicity from this trial and make alot of money by selling a book about his experience. The photo also contains multiple textures in the background from the wall and the door that are behind Anthony and Biaz. The source of light appears to be from the ceiling due to the fact that everything seems to have the same level of lighting in the photo.

Blog I Like: Watch Croton


            Watch Croton is a news blog that covers news for my hometown of Croton-on-Hudson, NY. Watch Croton provides frequent updates on current affairs in Croton-on-Hudson ranging from snow delays to proposed teacher cuts. What makes Watch Croton a unique blog about Croton-on-Hudson is the fact that it is very easy to navigate and that it is frequently updated unlike the other blogs that cover Croton-on-Hudson Affairs. Watch Croton on its posts about local politics leans towards the Democratic Party unlike its other competitors which lean towards the local Republican Party.


            The Author of this blog according to the bio section of the blog chooses to remain anonymous due to fears of retaliation from a certain segment of the Croton on Hudson population. This segment of the Croton-on-Hudson population once mailed fecal matter to the owner of the now defunct CrotonBlog because CrotonBlog was a frequent critic of the local Republican Party. Besides mailing fecal matter to the owner, the owner’s kids were also bullied in school due to their dad’s involvement in the local political scene.


            Watch Croton is a WordPress blog which is why I choose it for my example, because I would like to learn how I can emulate Watch Croton. I like the way that the blog is organized, not just because of its content but because it is simple to read it. When I’m looking to get updated on local news in my town, it is very easy to read the articles on Watch Croton and to view the comments. I wouldn’t describe the colors on Watch Croton as warm or colorful and that is one area of Watch Croton that I would not like to emulate on my blog. One characteristic of Watch Croton that I would like to emulate on my blog is how it is very easy to navigate the blog on my smartphone. When looking at Watch Croton on my smartphone, I have the option of looking at all stories and choosing which ones to expand to cover the page rather than scrolling through stories that I don’t want to read.

Creative Statement

             I am a well seasoned Democratic political organizer who got my start in 2006 as a High School student volunteering on the John Hall for Congress campaign. I was concerned about the George W. Bush Presidency and its effect on my future, when one of my family friends convinced him me volunteer on John Hall’s ultimately successful campaign for Congress. I aspire to have a career in politics because I think there are a lot of problems in this country that can be fixed with the right policies.

            Since that campaign, I have worked on campaigns in the area of organizing volunteers to do voter contact work. While I became an expert in doing field organizing for campaigns, I have always felt that I could gain more knowledge and experience in using digital media for the political campaigns that I work on. Last year my friend and I organized a campaign in our town of Croton on Hudson, NY to move our March Village Elections to November as a way to increase voter participation in our town. My friend did all of the media work and I wish I could have done more to help him. While we made a WordPress blog for our campaign, I think if I had taken Media 150 before our campaign which was ultimately successful than we would have had a better blog.

            In addition to Blogging, I also desire to learn how to effectively use internet advertising to advance my causes. I don’t just do campaigns because they are fun, but because I believe in the causes that I am trying to advance and I see certain campaigns as a way of advances those causes. The internet is cluttered with advertising and from this class I would like to become an effective ad maker so people viewing content on the internet are directed to whatever website I am promoting.

Class Notes 2/15/12

The class lecture on Wednesday February 15th, dealt with the subject of image making.

Top 3 points to take away from lecture:

1)      The grid is the basic structure for modern image making

2)      There are seven basic elements of art: Line, Shape, Color, Texture, Value, Space and Form

3)      There are a lot of terms in cinematography that deal with shot sizes

The Grid

            For making images each image theoretically is broken up as a grid. A grid with nothing in it is boring to look at because there is no motivation to move your eyes. If a grid has a lot of variation in it, there your eyes will move around a lot. Grids can be made exciting with variations in colors, sizes, shapes and differing widths.

Seven Elements of Art

Each of these elements of art can be used in photography to make images compelling. For example bigger lines in images can convey more energy in those images than smaller lines would convey

1)      Line

2)      Shape

3)      Color

4)      Texture

5)      Value

6)      Space

7)      Form


Basic Cinematic Vocabulary

1)      Extreme Long Shot

2)      Long Shot

3)      Medium Long Shot

4)      Medium Shot

5)      Medium Close Up

6)      Close Up

7)      Extreme Close Up

8)      2 Shot

9)      Group Shot

10)   Low Angle Shot

11)   High Angle Shot

12)   Rule of 3rd’s

13)   Flat Frame

14)   Deep Frame